Sunday, January 08, 2006
Mother is Everywhere
There is a story, which may be apocryphal (a myth), that when they uncover the black box after planes crash, the last thing the pilots often say before dying is "MOMMY!"
My lovely cat, Morgana, is walking all over the keys here as I type (trying to get into a "catroom?"), but she can't see this picture of feline motherhood. Funny!
Being "under the weather" recently has brought up feelings of wanting to be held like this kitten (if you know me you know that such feelings aren't exactly deeply buried inside me). Fortunately I've had lovely people to cuddle me. But there is this feeling of being truly held that I've been looking for my whole life. The other night I was lying in front of my fire, feeling the lack of this feeling. Then I realized I was in the middle of it! I was being held right then and there! I don't mean a mental realization. It was an actual wave or more like an ocean that I suddenly accessed. It was there all along. Duh!
I know this sounds like what I've been saying for years, like most of my current realizations. I even have an article about this love that surrounds us on my website ("What's Love Got To Do With It?"). But I just got it much more deeply.
Sometimes I realize something is true, but continue to live mostly in the old conditioned reality. Can you relate? Then as I begin to shift my center of gravity into the unconditioned reality, I am amazed. I run around or call around or e-mail around - or if there's a teaching gig happening, I preach away to the students - about this amazement that something I always "knew" to be true is now clearly, actually, really true.
I have just calculated that I can realize something is true and only be at a 4.65% realization thereof. And then there is the exciting journey in which the other 95.35% seeps into me, or I into it.
Right now my experience of being ill (sorry, but there's no spiritually correct other way to say it when it's just pneumonia and antibiotics, but I basically feel it's a healing purge) is quite different from previous such experiences. The presence of The Presence is so much more tangible. I have called it motherwave and now, more often, soulwave, in my work. These words refer to a manner in which it can be reliably accessed, but there are really no words for it.
Life is my Mother. She is everywhere, nourishing and nurturing me. In fact, I had a dream that I drove past a church with this sign:

Bye for now. I'll write again when I return from Mexico, bathed in the vibes of 49 transformational leaders,
Oh yes, and if you live around Sebastopol in Northern Cal., I'm doing my intro slideshow and experiential talk on Soulwave Zero and the Zero Point Field on Tuesday (1/10). See website for details; perhaps I'll see you there?
love Katie
Mother is Everywhere

Being "under the weather" recently has brought up feelings of wanting to be held like this kitten (if you know me you know that such feelings aren't exactly deeply buried inside me). Fortunately I've had lovely people to cuddle me. But there is this feeling of being truly held that I've been looking for my whole life. The other night I was lying in front of my fire, feeling the lack of this feeling. Then I realized I was in the middle of it! I was being held right then and there! I don't mean a mental realization. It was an actual wave or more like an ocean that I suddenly accessed. It was there all along. Duh!
I know this sounds like what I've been saying for years, like most of my current realizations. I even have an article about this love that surrounds us on my website ("What's Love Got To Do With It?"). But I just got it much more deeply.
Sometimes I realize something is true, but continue to live mostly in the old conditioned reality. Can you relate? Then as I begin to shift my center of gravity into the unconditioned reality, I am amazed. I run around or call around or e-mail around - or if there's a teaching gig happening, I preach away to the students - about this amazement that something I always "knew" to be true is now clearly, actually, really true.
I have just calculated that I can realize something is true and only be at a 4.65% realization thereof. And then there is the exciting journey in which the other 95.35% seeps into me, or I into it.
Right now my experience of being ill (sorry, but there's no spiritually correct other way to say it when it's just pneumonia and antibiotics, but I basically feel it's a healing purge) is quite different from previous such experiences. The presence of The Presence is so much more tangible. I have called it motherwave and now, more often, soulwave, in my work. These words refer to a manner in which it can be reliably accessed, but there are really no words for it.
Life is my Mother. She is everywhere, nourishing and nurturing me. In fact, I had a dream that I drove past a church with this sign:

Bye for now. I'll write again when I return from Mexico, bathed in the vibes of 49 transformational leaders,
Oh yes, and if you live around Sebastopol in Northern Cal., I'm doing my intro slideshow and experiential talk on Soulwave Zero and the Zero Point Field on Tuesday (1/10). See website for details; perhaps I'll see you there?
love Katie
Mother is Everywhere